
Weight Loss Formulas

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Original price was: $199.00.Current price is: $59.00.

Weight Loss Formulas


Learn How to Lose Weight from Ultimate Blueprint Box


✔️ Easy to follow (14+ hours) video training in Full HD resolution, more than 145 lectures in 4 GB, that walks you through every step of the Weight Loss Journey, from A to Z

✔️ Easy to follow (12 juicy eBooks, Tutorials, Manuals, and How-to Guides) related to Recipes, Top-Health-Tips, Nutrition Tips, Introduction to Pilates, and Home Training, Keto diet, and more…

✔️ Additional Resources and Recommended Supplements

✔️ Learn and Work at Your Own Pace with this Program “Weight Loss Formulas”


Introduction to Weight Loss Formulas

The natural human instinct is to avoid anything we don’t like.

So no matter how long you think you can avoid the foods you love, sooner or later, your cravings win out. I’m sure you’ve been there before.

So, consistency is your biggest ally when trying to lose weight. And you can only be consistent when you have the Pleasure, Ease, Affordability, and Results.


We have great news for you!!!

We are very happy to present you Weight Loss Formulas Blueprint.

We cracked Weight Loss Formulas in this easy-to-follow brand new program.

You might think the first 2 weeks will be difficult for you due to the reduction of intake of daily calories.

But the way this “Weight Loss Formulas” blueprint works will be set up to make the transition easier.

“Weight Loss Formulas” – Instantly boost your health, energy, and well-being at the same time!


There’s never been anything even close to this product ever attempted:
  1. As for myself, my team, my entire family…
  2. While increasing your health, vitality, and well-being.
  3. Nothing that comes close to  Weight Loss Formulas has ever been attempted.
  4. As for me, my staff, and my entire family…
  5. Thousands of ordinary women and men can witness this…
  6. Energizing your metabolism…
  7. Using a flame to burn fat from troublesome areas…
  8. Having amazing all-day energy…
  9. Hunger reduction…
  10. As well as boosting your health…
  11. It doesn’t get much simpler, easier, or more automated than this…

Weight Loss Formulas


Learn How to Lose Weight from Ultimate Blueprint Box


✔️ Easy to follow (14+ hours) video training in Full HD resolution, more than 145 lectures in 4 GB, that walks you through every step of the Weight Loss Journey, from A to Z

✔️ Easy to follow (12 juicy eBooks, Tutorials, Manuals, and How-to Guides) related to Recipes, Top-Health-Tips, Nutrition Tips, Introduction to Pilates, and Home Training, Keto diet, and more…

✔️ Additional Resources and Recommended Supplements

✔️ Learn and Work at Your Own Pace with this Program “Weight Loss Formulas”


Introduction to Weight Loss Formulas

The natural human instinct is to avoid anything we don’t like.

So no matter how long you think you can avoid the foods you love, sooner or later, your cravings win out. I’m sure you’ve been there before.

So, consistency is your biggest ally when trying to lose weight. And you can only be consistent when you have the Pleasure, Ease, Affordability, and Results.


We have great news for you!!!

We are very happy to present you Weight Loss Formulas Blueprint.

We cracked Weight Loss Formulas in this easy-to-follow brand new program.

You might think the first 2 weeks will be difficult for you due to the reduction of intake of daily calories.

But the way this “Weight Loss Formulas” blueprint works will be set up to make the transition easier.

“Weight Loss Formulas” – Instantly boost your health, energy, and well-being at the same time!


There’s never been anything even close to this product “Weight Loss Formulas” ever attempted:
  1. As for myself, my team, my entire family…
  2. While increasing your health, vitality, and well-being.
  3. Nothing that comes close to  Weight Loss Formulas has ever been attempted.
  4. As for me, my staff, and my entire family…
  5. Thousands of ordinary women and men can witness this…
  6. Energizing your metabolism…
  7. Using a flame to burn fat from troublesome areas…
  8. Having amazing all-day energy…
  9. Hunger reduction…
  10. As well as boosting your health…
  11. It doesn’t get much simpler, easier, or more automated than this…


Module 1 – 60 minutes
Joint Health
  1. Joint Health Introduction
  2. The Importance of Joint Health
  3. A Look at Common Joint Problems
  4. Excercise Your Joints
  5. Balance Your Diet
  6. Watch Yout Weight
  7. Home Remedies to promote healthy joint
  8. Best Supplements For Joint Health
  9. Other options to promote healthy joints
  10. Joint Health Conclusion
Module 2 – 85 minutes
Fat Burn Secrets Pro
  1. Why are you Fat?
  2. Fat Burn Mantra
  3. Easy Fat Killer Technique
  4. Yo-yo Effect
  5. Easy Yoga Practice
  6. List Of Fat-pumping Foods To Avoid
  7. Fat Burn Supplement & Detox Plan
  8. How To Get Rid Of Love Handles?

Module 3 – 54 minutes
Intermittent Fasting Formula
  1. Intermittent Fasting
  2. What is intermittent fasting?
  3. The Benefits of Intermittent fasting
  4. Why does Intermittent fasting help to promote weight loss?
  5. Is Intermittent fasting Safe?
  6. A Protocol for 16-8 Intermittent Fasting
  7. A Protocol for 24-Hour Intermittent Fasting
  8. Other Types of Intermittent Fasting
  9. How to Maximize Your Intermittent Fasting Results?
  10. How to Get Started With Intermittent Fasting
    Addressing Common Questions?
  11. Intermittent Fasting ConclusionModule 4 – 36 minutes
Module 4 – 36 minutes
TLC Diet Transformation
  1. TLC Diet Transformation Introduction
  2. What Exactly is the TLC Diet?
  3. All About Cholesterol
  4. Major TLC Diet Benefits
  5. TLC Nutrition Overview
  6. Sample Meal Options
  7. Smart Choices, Eating Out
  8. Getting Active
  9. TLC Diet Conclusion

Module 5 – 58 minutes
Introduction to Carbohydrates
  1. Introduction to Carb Cycling
  2. Benefits of Carb Cycling
  3. What does Carb Cycling Involve?
  4. What does a Carb Cycling Diet Look Like?
  5. How does Carb Cycling Help With Weight Loss?
  6. Are there other benefits to Carb Cycling?
  7. What do I need to Remember about Carb Cycling?
  8. Types of Carb Cycling
  9. Which Foods are Good on a Carb Cycling Regime?
  10. Sample Carb Cycling Programs
  11. How do I get Started with Carb Cycling?
  12. Carb Cycling Conclusion

Module 6 – 74 minutes
Gluten-free lifestyle
  1. Gluten-free lifestyle Introduction
  2. Wheat and Celiac Disease – The Downside of Gluten
  3. Shopping Gluten-Free
  4. Getting Started with the Gluten-Free Life
  5. Dining Out and Being Social
  6. Avoiding the Pitfalls of Gluten-Free
  7. Emotional Obstacles to Having Celiac Disease
    Gluten, ADHD, and Autism
  8. Adapting Your Diet to Gluten-Free
  9. Gluten-free lifestyle Conclusion

Module 7 – 50 minutes
Living Paleo
  1. Living Paleo Introduction
  2. Why the Paleo Diet?
  3. What is the Paleo Diet and does it work?
  4. The importance of developing healthy habits and ways to do so
  5. The importance of accountability and how to use it when going Paleo
  6. Tips and Tricks to going Paleo
  7. The Paleo Lifestyle, bringing it all together with exercise
  8. Meal Planning for the Paleo Diet
  9. Sample Recipes to get you started on your Paleo Journey
  10. Living Paleo Conclusion

Module 8 – 60 minutes
Introduction to Kettlebell
  1. Introduction Kettlebell
  2. How to Choose a Kettlebell?
  3. The Benefits of Kettlebell Training
  4. The Kettlebell Mistakes
  5. Remedies to Common Mistakes during Kettlebell exercises
  6. Ways to use Kettlebells
  7. Kettlebell Workouts for Beginners
  8. Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced Level Kettlebell Workout Plan
  9. Tips and Tricks to use when Performing Kettlebell Workouts
  10. Kettlebell Conclusion


Module 9 – 35 minutes
Easy Keto
  1. 3 Benefits of Going Keto
  2. 3 Best Foods for Keto Diets
  3. 3 Easy Ways to Start Eating Keto Today
  4. 3 Keto Myths to Stop Believing Today
  5. 4 Reasons to Go, Keto, Now
  6. 5 Foods to Avoid on Keto
  7. An Easy Way to Lose Weight Without Thinking About It
  8. Keto A Safe Alternative to Fasting
  9. Keto and Intermittent Fasting Fast and Easy Results
  10. Ketosis Made Easy

Module 10 – 55 minutes
The Bulletproof Keto Diet
  1. The Bulletproof Keto Diet Introduction
  2. How does Weight Loss Normally Work?
  3. The Standard American Diet and Why You Can’t Lose Weight?
  4. The Keto Alternative?
  5. Keep This in Mind Before You Start Your Keto Diet
  6. Keto Diet Step Number 1, Displace, Do Not Replace
  7. Keto Diet Meal Plan Strategies That Work
  8. Wind Down on Carbs
  9. Turbocharge Your Keto Lifestyle Results With These Following Tweaks
  10. Take Things To The Next Level With This Modification
  11. The Bulletproof Keto Diet Conclusion

Module 11 – 37 minutes
Future of fitness
  1. Future of fitness Intro
  2. What is Wearable Tech and Should I Use It?
  3. The History of the Wearable Device
  4. Different Types Of Wearable Technology and are they safe
  5. The Benefits of wearing technology over not wearing it
  6. Things to Consider Before Investing
  7. Comparing Wearable Tech and Smartphone Apps
  8. Avoiding Common Beginner Mistakes with Wearable Tech
  9. Making Wearable Tech Part Of Everyday Life
  10. Future of fitness Conclusion

Module 12 – 42 minutes
Fit In 15
  1. Fit in 15 Introduction
  2. The Real Truth About Fat Loss
  3. Lift for a Lean Body
  4. Finally, Diet
  5. Flexible Dieting and Nutrition Plan
  6. The Workout Plan
  7. Supplements that Work
  8. You Made It This Far, Now What

Module 13 – 65 minutes
Fitness Tracking
  1. What Is Tracking
  2. Top Fitness Trackers and Apps
  3. More Ways To Track Your Fitness
  4. More Cool Fitness Tracking Devices
  5. Using Apps & Trackers To Fix Your Diet
  6. How To Change Your Calories Without The Headache?
  7. How To Get The Most Out Of Fitness Tracking For Training?
  8. Fitness Tracking For Runs
  9. The Dark Side Of Fitness Tracking
  10. 5 Tips For Better Fitness Tracking

Module 14 – 35 minutes
Peak Pilates
  1. Peak Pilates Intro
  2. Discover How Activity Promotes Longevity
  3. The History of Pilates
  4. What Exactly Is Pilates, Should I be Doing it?
  5. The Benefits of Pilates
  6. Steps Before Beginning Pilates
  7. What To Expect In A First Session?
  8. 4 fantastic Pilates Moves To Do
  9. Avoiding Common Pitfalls
  10. Making Pilates Part Of Your Lifestyle
  11. Taking Things Up A Notch
  12. Peak Pilates Conclusion

Module 15 – 66 minutes
Total Body Weight Transformation
  1. Introduction
  2. Why did your old workouts fail?
  3. The SSE Workout Super Simple and Effective
  4. How to Build BIG Muscle with Bodyweight Training?
  5. Making Sense of the science
  6. Burning fat with bodyweight training
  7. Burn fat, build strength, and improve your health
  8. The sticking point, Biceps
  9. A glossary of exercises
  10. Conclusion

This is dramatically different from anything you’ve ever seen. This is because it’s more of a “field guide” for massive success than a traditional “online course”.

In conclusion, the benefits of Weight Loss Formulas Blueprint:
  1. Learn the science, habits, strategies to lose weight in a healthy manner and keep it off permanently,
  2. Understand the fundamentals of weight loss,
  3. Build key weight loss habits,
  4. Simultaneously build lean muscle and optimize health,
  5. Identify the most common weight loss myths and mistakes,
  6. Understand the fundamentals of weight loss (calories, protein, carbs, fat & more),
  7. Learn how much you should eat for optimal fat loss,
  8. Avoid weight-loss scams and useless supplements,
  9. Create a diet plan that is perfect for your needs and lifestyle,
  10. Develop healthy eating habits,
  11. Stay motivated for long-term results,
  12. Lose weight and keep it off permanently…