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Ayurveda Teacher Training Course

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(1 customer review)


Ayurveda Teacher Training Course


Introducing Online Meditation Teacher Training
Become a certified Ayurveda Teacher and make a successful career in Ayurveda & Naturopathy.


Powerful Online Ayurveda Teacher Training Course teaches How diet, lifestyle, weather and different activities affect physical and mental health  In this training you will learn the ancient ways of health systems & natural healing. You can make a great career in meditation.


Topics to be covered in Ayurveda Teacher Training Course:


  • Introduction to Ayurveda
  • Pancha Maha Bhootas (Five elements) and their qualities
  • Tridoshas viz. Vata, Pita and Kapha
  • Doshas and their physical and psychological properties
  • 6 tastes and connection to doshas
  • Seasons and Doshas
  • Analysis of the dosha
  • Different foods and properties
  • Some Important Herbs and properties
  • Dina Charya (Ayurvedic daily routine)
  • Medicines in Ayurveda
  • Trigunas viz. Satva, Rajas and Tamas
  • Effect of Gunas on food
  • Connection of Gunas and Doshas and their application to daily life
  • Introduction to Pancha Karma
  • Theory of Shat Kriyas of Yoga
  • Pancha Karma vs Shat Kriyas
  • Ayurvedic cooking

Ayurveda Teacher Training Course


Become a certified Ayurveda Teacher and make a successful career in Ayurveda & Naturopathy.


My EXACT Training


In this training, you will learn the science of Ayurveda which I have learnt from different masters in India and these techniques are being used by Indian Spiritual masters for ages for many purposes. More than 5000 students have learned and they are helping thousands of people around the globe.


When You Join Online Ayurveda Teacher Training Course you Get Full & Immediate Access to:


Module 1: Introduction to Ayurveda


  • What Ayurveda is
  • Fundamental of Ayurveda
  • Who can use it
Module 2: Basics Of Tridosha


  • Understand Doshas by Qualities
  • Understand Doshas by Function
  • Impact of VATA, PITA & KAPHA dosha
Module 3: Panchkarma


  • Ayurvedic Panchkarma Treatment
  • Nasya Treatment
  • Steam Therapy
Module 4: Health Advice Based on Season


  • Ayurvedic health tips for Summer
  • Ayurvedic Health Tips for Winter
  • Ayurvedic Health Tips for Spring & another season


Module 5: Diet Advice


  • Food Habits
  • Ayurvedic Eating
  • Eating & Fasting
Module 6: Introduction To Spices & Oils


  • Types of Spices & Oils
  • Properties of Spices & Oils
  • Heal Body Through Spices & Oils
Module 7: Ayurvedic Medicines


  • Introduction to Ayurvedic Medicines
  • Ayurvedic Pharmalogy
  • Heal Body with Ayurvedic Medicines



Ayurveda Teacher Training Course


Ayurveda (the science of Life) is one of the ancient medical systems from India. Recently, Ayurveda is receiving accolades from medical practitioners from around the world for its in-depth understanding of how to heal from the root of illness, rather than working on the prevention of symptoms. UN and WHO recognizes Ayurveda as an authentic medical system and many governments around the world, including the USA, recognize Ayurveda as a complementary therapy for legal and insurance purposes. Many people who tried Ayurveda Therapies from authentic places, can vouchsafe the efficacy of Ayurveda, beyond any theoretical doubts.


More than massages and therapies, Ayurveda is a vast science of living a life in tune with Mother Nature and letting Nature take care of the body! Ayurveda can help us in deciding the right diet, lifestyle changes, and psychological attitude toward our body, which are at the root of all medical problems.



Ayurveda Teacher Training Course


Ayurveda education provided in Ayurveda colleges is meant for doctors who need to spend three to five long years studying, all the Sanskrit works and train to be professional doctors. Ayurveda resorts and hospitals in Kerala, Goa and other parts of India, where one can try Ayurveda courses/therapies, do not explain or teach the underlying knowledge behind this great science of life.


One can also learn about Ayurveda from media/online and can even buy the Ayurvedic medicines online or over the counter!
However, they don’t work as they promise as the quality of factory-produced Ayurvedic medicines is doubtful. Without proper diagnosis, based on the physical and mental constitution, and appropriate diet & lifestyle changes, oral medication may not show its effect!


So, Fakira ji has decided to develop short term Ayurveda courses with training and certification for common people to apply Ayurveda in their daily lifestyle.


1 review for Ayurveda Teacher Training Course

  1. Rated 4 out of 5


    I was always intrigued by Ayurveda. And purchasing this course helped me to learn so much about it and perhaps I could share my knowledge soon with many others.

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