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Miracle Money Magnets

Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating
(1 customer review)

Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $7.00.

Miracle Money Magnets

Has The Pandemic Affected Your Financial Situation? Not Enough Money To Pay Your Bills? Or Just Struggling Pay Check TO Pay Check? Here Is How You Can Fix It IMMEDIATELY!


It’s a simple 5 step method I personally created called, “Miracle Money Magnets.” 


Step 1 – I am Worthy of Money and Wealth

Step 2 – Words that Repel Money … Words that Attract Money

Step 3 – Stop Negative Money Beliefs

Step 4 – Money Vibration Reset

Step 5 – The Laws of Millionaires

“Miracle Money Magnets” …


STEP 1 – I am Worthy of Money and Wealth 

It is impossible to be rich and to keep your wealth if you do not truly believe that you are worthy of money, abundance, and lasting wealth. If you are honest with yourself, you know there is a lot of resistance around money.

If there wasn’t you’d already have all the money you wanted. This is why we must start with aligning our subconscious mind to a wealth mindset and reprogram our beliefs about money. If you don’t do this, nothing else matters.

STEP 2 – Words That Repel Money & Words that Attract Money

Words have power. More than most realize. If you use negative money words on a regular basis, you can never have an abundance of wealth. Money wants to flow to you. It truly does. But not when you are resistant to it or repel it.

Your resistance shows up in your words because your words represent your thoughts and your thoughts represent your subconscious beliefs. You are using words and phrases that repel money like a flashing neon sign that says “closed for the season.” Learn the words that repel money and learn the words that attract money and wealth.

STEP 3 – Stop Negative Money Beliefs

Negative money beliefs will stop wealth in its tracks. It’s hidden deep inside the subconscious caverns of your mind and when you try to get ahead, those hidden money beliefs will repel money.

The interesting thing is that we often don’t realize what our deep beliefs are or how much negative beliefs are holding us back. But when you change your money beliefs, you change your life.

STEP 4 – Money Vibration Reset

You can’t fix a problem with the same thinking that created it. If your money vibration set-point is set to “just getting by,” when you get extra money, it will vanish to match your money vibration set-point.

This is why we must upgrade your money programming and reset your money vibration set-point. Like a thermostat in the house, if it is set to 60 degrees, the house will never get above 60 degrees. When you change your money thermostat higher more money comes into your life.

STEP 5 – The Laws of Millionaires

Millionaires think and act differently than the average person. That’s why they are millionaires. While there are many things that make them different, there are a few basic laws of millionaires that make the difference between struggling with money and being wealthy.

The reality is that becoming a millionaire isn’t uncommon anymore. Especially if you do the right things. Live by these laws and you too can become one of the millions of new millionaires created each year.


Miracle Money Magnets

Has The Pandemic Affected Your Financial Situation? Not Enough Money To Pay Your Bills? Or Just Struggling Pay Check TO Pay Check? Here Is How You Can Fix It IMMEDIATELY!


When our money vibration is low … money is repelled away.

So money struggles repeat over and over like a bad movie on a Saturday afternoon cable channel.

If your money vibration is high … money flows into your life easily in abundance.

This is why some people have more money and opportunities than they can keep up with.

Money has a vibration. And you have a vibration ABOUT money.

These are connected like a water hose between your subconscious mind and the flow of money.

If the water hose is kinked or blocked, money will only trickle into your life.

But if the hose is straight, like water, money will flow with speed and power.

If you have emotional resistance to money, the hose will get blocked and block money from coming into your life.

If you have negative money beliefs, that will also slow the flow of money into your life.

Unfortunately, most people have emotional money resistance and negative money beliefs.

When this happens, the bills pile up, credit card debt keeps growing, and there never seems to be a way to get ahead and causes stress, frustration, and sleepless nights.

“Miracle Money Magnets”


The only way to break the chains of debt and money struggle is to change your Money Vibration set-point.


Your mind and emotions impact your reality


This simple program “Miracle Money Magnets” is your way to a higher money vibration set-point because I know the struggle of trying to manifest money and nothing happens. I know what it is like to work 80 hours a week just to get ahead, only to have more months at the end of the money.

I also know that money is NOT the root of all evil, but a LACK of money is the root of most problems. People lie, cheat and steal for the money. 80% of marriage problems are because of a lack of money.  Stress and sleepless nights are caused by money problems.

Your subconscious scarcity money programming says that money is bad and too much money is evil. That’s not true. Money is not bad or good. Money is an extension of the person using it.

Are you a good person? Then you will do good things with it when you are overflowing with money. That’s the very first thing you must learn and adapt as an unwavering belief. You are a good person who deserves money and money is an extension of your goodness.

When you solve your money struggles, you solve most of your stresses and problems.

It won’t solve all your problems, but if you can write a check for it, you don’t have that problem.

When you have an abundance of money, you will have a better lifestyle, help others, and contribute more.

That’s what you want right? 

To be financially stress-free, live a great lifestyle, and help your family and others? 

So how do you do that?

How do you turn your financial limitations into financial prosperity?

It’s a simple 5 step method I personally created called, “Miracle Money Magnets.” 


Step 1 – I am Worthy of Money and Wealth

Step 2 – Words that Repel Money … Words that Attract Money

Step 3 – Stop Negative Money Beliefs

Step 4 – Money Vibration Reset

Step 5 – The Laws of Millionaires

“Miracle Money Magnets”


“Miracle Money Magnets”…


STEP 1 – I am Worthy of Money and Wealth

It is impossible to be rich and to keep your wealth if you do not truly believe that you are worthy of money, abundance, and lasting wealth. If you are honest with yourself, you know there is a lot of resistance around money.

If there wasn’t you’d already have all the money you wanted. This is why we must start with aligning our subconscious mind to a wealth mindset and reprogram our beliefs about money. If you don’t do this, nothing else matters.

STEP 2 – Words That Repel Money & Words that Attract Money

Words have power. More than most realize. If you use negative money words on a regular basis, you can never have an abundance of wealth. Money wants to flow to you. It truly does. But not when you are resistant to it or repel it.

Your resistance shows up in your words because your words represent your thoughts and your thoughts represent your subconscious beliefs. You are using words and phrases that repel money like a flashing neon sign that says “closed for the season.” Learn the words that repel money and learn the words that attract money and wealth.

STEP 3 – Stop Negative Money Beliefs

Negative money beliefs will stop wealth in its tracks. It’s hidden deep inside the subconscious caverns of your mind and when you try to get ahead, those hidden money beliefs will repel money.

The interesting thing is that we often don’t realize what our deep beliefs are or how much negative beliefs are holding us back. But when you change your money beliefs, you change your life.

STEP 4 – Money Vibration Reset

You can’t fix a problem with the same thinking that created it. If your money vibration set-point is set to “just getting by,” when you get extra money, it will vanish to match your money vibration set-point.

This is why we must upgrade your money programming and reset your money vibration set-point. Like a thermostat in the house, if it is set to 60 degrees, the house will never get above 60 degrees. When you change your money thermostat higher more money comes into your life.

STEP 5 – The Laws of Millionaires

Millionaires think and act differently than the average person. That’s why they are millionaires. While there are many things that make them different, there are a few basic laws of millionaires that make the difference between struggling with money and being wealthy.

The reality is that becoming a millionaire isn’t uncommon anymore. Especially if you do the right things. Live by these laws and you too can become one of the millions of new millionaires created each year.

“Miracle Money Magnets”


1 review for Miracle Money Magnets

  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    Heather A.

    My subconscious was set differently. Let me tell you that whatever I touch or look at now, there is some money – money attraction mind is set up.

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