
Peace of mind

Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating
(1 customer review)

Original price was: $697.00.Current price is: $347.00.

I am Janine and the founder of this “PEACE OF MIND” course


Let me give you a hand through the five transformation steps to change your life from misery into your dream!
Reach sustainable “peace of mind” to live in love and harmony.
Stay healthy and in abundance for the rest of your life.

It is my calling to help humanity because I have found PEACE OF MIND! My abilities, spiritual wisdom, and life experience are the tools to my secret of sustainable PEACE OF MIND.

Especially in the current turbulent time, humanity is more in need than ever to be strong and stay in their midst. But not only this, much more all of us have besides the world condition to heal our own life to get back again PEACE OF MIND.

Spirituality and its methods are the only remedies, which can support in an incomparable way.

You do not need to suffer for years, as I have done. You can get compact methods in my courses to reach your goal in a short time with sustainable results.

The Peace of mind technique:
  • 5 Week course online
  • 5 Transformation points
  • Week 1: Slow down
  • Week 2: Energetic spiritual cleansing of the soul
  • Week 3: Purification of mind and body
  • Week 4: Connect with spirit and discover your life path
  • Week 5: Maintain your PEACE OF MIND and keep it sustainable

25 Modules, 4 Bonus modules, many pdf’s (ready to download), exclusive videos

Most significant benefits of this program:
  • Getting into a stage of PEACE OF MIND
  • Being able to stay calm in every situation of life
  • Clarity about life paths
  • Being loved and successful
  • Overall health, free of depression and anxiety

This course is the most precious compact advice step by step to reach Peace from within your heart!

Your soul is there for you and waiting for you to connect.
The soul is deep inside of you to guide you in your life!

It is there inside everyone, but we need to discover it and reconnect us to let it help us heal ourselves and find our truth. In many ways, we have been put ourselves into the darkness not to see and hear it anymore. It is calling you! It is your soul (spirit) here to serve you!

Being a millionaire without peace of mind is useless.

Whoever you are, and no matter your status, background, or amount in your bank account, it will never fulfil you without Peace of mind. It cannot be bought for a million dollars if you do not know how to get it.

I have seen wealthy people in depression for years, and nothing could help them, not their wealth nor a doctor. It is because they do not know the secrets of the soul and would pay everything to get. It is priceless! But I want to share the secrets with you for a reasonable price because you deserve it.

We can love others only if we are at peace with ourselves.

Nowadays, we know that self-love is a fundamental basis of loving others, giving love, and having fulfilling relationships. But how to love someone you do not know? Therefore, it is important to go within to connect with the soul/spirit to discover our true nature and being in Peace with ourselves.

Only then can we love and accept ourselves fully with all shades and edges and fully love ourselves and others. As a result, we will attract people who love us fully just the way we are.

Let go of the past in Peace and move on for the better!

We often think we have healed and let go of the past, like past relationships or even trauma based in childhood or other experiences. But we are not aware by keeping negative emotions inside our hearts and mind. We are keeping bounded to the person or the happening.

It is a burden and keeps on sticking and attracting more negative experiences without us being aware. We collect negativity more and more because we have never really let off and been cleaning it off. It can cause major issues like depression and anxiety.

When we would never do a deep cleaning in our house or our body, it would be too dirty after a while, and we need to use a strong soap to get rid of it. Exactly where I can assist you with my methods and help you do an effective deep cleansing on soul, mind, and body level.

I am Janine and the founder of this “PEACE OF MIND” course


It is my calling to help humanity because I have found PEACE OF MIND! My abilities, spiritual wisdom, and life experience are the tools to my secret of sustainable PEACE OF MIND.

Especially in the current turbulent time, humanity is more in need than ever to be strong and stay in their midst. But not only this, much more all of us have besides the world condition to heal our own life to get back again PEACE OF MIND.

Spirituality and their methods is the only remedy, which can support in an incomparable way.

You do not need to suffer for years, as I have done. You can get compact methods in my courses to reach your goal in a short time with sustainable results.

During my 20 years of work, I have discovered the roots of the major problems in my clients’ lives. I developed a strategy to help them to heal from the depth. My principal is to go to the roots, even if it is are back in childhood or past life, to let go of the blockages that cause significant problems in their lives.

Anxiety and depression are a symptom of this blockages and effects the whole life negatively. If we do not go to the roots, it gets worse, and the way out will be challenging to find.

During my work, I have helped hundreds of my clients let go of blockages based on soul, mind, and body and get back their PEACE OF MIND. Before they consulted me, this blockage has affected their whole life in the wrong way. As a result of this, whether they are young or old, rich, or week, they have been restless and never happy and relaxed.

I have combined years of personal and working experience and spiritual knowledge to create the methods to reach PEACE OF MIND and harmonize their whole lives in any aspects like relationship, health, career, and more.

My program helps any person change their lives from misery into a dream, to achieve all their goals by reaching sustainable PEACE OF MIND from within.

Being a millionaire without PEACE OF MIND is useless. Whoever you are, and no matter your status, background, or amount in your bank account, it will never fulfil you without PEACE OF MIND. It cannot be bought for a million dollars if you do not know how to get it.

I have seen wealthy people in depression for years, and nothing could help them, not their wealth nor a doctor. It is because they do not know the secrets of the soul and would pay everything to get. It is priceless! But I want to share the secrets with you for a reasonable price because you deserve it.

1 review for Peace of mind

  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    Esther Guliano, Switzerland

    I made Janine’s peace of mind course some time ago. It is for five weeks, but many things from it still accompany me in daily life. So the meditation corner that I set up for me still exists, as does the little book in which I wrote down the most important thoughts about the course. The course is very far-reaching, and you are welcome to deal longer with one topic before moving on to the next. Sometimes there are chapters where it is worth going into depth and invest a couple of days more. The course brought me much closer to myself and showed me a lot of things that I still have to deal with. Very worthwhile if you want to deal with yourself.

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