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The Franchise

Rated 4.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating
(1 customer review)


The Franchise



Are you looking for an amazing business opportunity? Body Time is the solution for a fast ROI using our Body Time service. You don’t buy a product, you sell a service that is the most profitable business with low expenses and low capital investment from the beginning powered by the strongest brand.
Body Time is a 200 % ROI business which means that you’ll get all your invested money back in the first 6 months.
Body Time sets itself apart from competitors with a success-proven model for franchisees.
Body Time is a dynamic and ever-evolving leader in innovation across the health and fitness industry. Offering a unique opportunity that is driven by quality, reputation, and convenience.
Integrating two of the most innovative and widely researched methods in the health and fitness industry, Body Time has created a highly functional team training program.
The pairing of interval cardio and strength training has been shown to be the most effective method of burning fat and building lean muscle.

The Franchise


Low Cost & High Margins

Not only does Body Time provide clients with a premium fitness experience through our pioneering training systems, but we also offer franchisees a unique business opportunity in the fitness industry through a low set-up cost, high margin and highly engaged community via our franchisee network.
  • Low set-up cost
  • Access to premium quality indoor fitness equipment at competitive rates
  • ​The low monthly fee gives franchisees access to existing accounting, management and payment systems
  • ​Membership model designed for maximum returns on low membership numbers
  • ​Members are highly engaged and drive community, both membership growth and franchisee satisfaction
  • ​Body Time will thrive anywhere – from urban centres to suburban neighbourhoods where time is of the essence
  • ​Body Time is a tried and tested formula to maximize margins for owners and health benefits for clients



Technology and innovation are integrated into everything we do at Body Time. Whether it’s the best possible client experience or the streamlined operating of a franchisee’s business, we’re always at the forefront of the industry. Here’s a taste of what both franchisees and clients can expect from the Body Time experience…

How to get started first steps with The Franchise


Your Own Powerful International Brand

Full Studio Setup Instructions

We Help You Attract and Recruiting Experts

Daily New Clients


The Strongest Franchise System (The Franchise)


Full Marketing Solution

Online Staff Training

Business Management Online



1 review for The Franchise

  1. Rated 4 out of 5

    Zack D.


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