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Online Telepathy Training

Rated 4.67 out of 5 based on 3 customer ratings
(3 customer reviews)


Online Telepathy Training


In this course titled ‘Psychic Power: Psychic Power- Develop Your Telepathic Skills’ By Pradeep Aggarwal, you will learn –

Telepathy is one of the most beautiful Psychic Powers. Telepathy is made of two words – Tele and Pathy where Tele means Distance and Pathy means feelings. Telepathy can be stated as direct communication between minds.

This Online Telepathy Training course is designed to help people who want to enhance their psychic powers and develop Telepathic Skills. In this lesson, you will learn the most common example of telepathy and about telepathy.

This course is ideal for everyone who wants to increase and improve their telepathic skills, psychic powers, gut feeling, intuitions and sixth sense using very powerful self-hypnosis techniques and psychic exercises. It is also very useful for magicians, tarot card readers, hypnotists, healers etc for fun, fame and profit

By the end of the Online Telepathy Training course, you will be more psychic, telepathic and intuitive than before and achieve more success in your life by trusting your intuitions.

Also learn the myths about self-hypnosis and how to use your conscious and subconscious mind more effectively.

This Online Telepathy Training course contains a lot of telepathic exercises and more than 35 minutes of live video content designed 8 lectures, a Bonus audio file and an E-book on positive affirmations.

Online Telepathy Training


Who this course is for:

  • This course is for everyone who would love to enjoy the telepathic skills and want to enjoy their day to day life using these skills
  • This course is for everyone who wants to improve and increase their telepathic skills for fun, fame and profit. It is ideal for hypnotists, healers, Reiki practitioners and magicians
  • Age group 16 and above

Online Telepathy Training

What you’ll learn – Online Telepathy Training

  • By the end of the course, you will be able to increase your telepathic skills using self-hypnosis, affirmations and psychic power
  • You will be able to reduce stress, depression, insomnia and negativity using powerful self-hypnosis, psychic power and affirmations
  • You will feel more relaxed and happy by the end of the course and increase your telepathic skills
  • You will be able to practice telepathy with others and also be able to send emotions and positive energy to your partner
  • You will also learn various myths about self-hypnosis and how the conscious and subconscious mind works.


When You Join Online Telepathy Training you Get Full & Immediate Access to:


Module 1: Introduction to Telepathy
  • What Telepathy is
  • Types O Telepathy
  • Who can use it
Module 2: Types Of Mind & Behaviour
  • What Types Of Mind
  • Behaviour Of Minds
  • Personalities
Module 3: Spiritual Telepathy
  • What Spiritual Telepathy is
  • Role of Spirituality in Telepathy
  • Science Behind Telepathy
Module 4: Preparation Of Body & Mind
  • How to Prepare Body for Telepathy
  • Mind Preparation
  • Psychological Preparation
Module 5: Telepathy For Self Use
  • Role of Self Telepathy
  • Self Telepathic Practice
  • Self Telepathy For Own Help
Module 6: Guided Telepathy For Other People/Client
  • Preparation For Guided Telepathy
  • Guided Telepathic Techniques
  • Help others through Guided Telepathy
Module 7: Powerful Telepathy Techniques
  • Telepathy 1-1
  • Telepathy For Mass Public
  • Practice & Help People


Introducing Online Telepathy Training

Powerful Online Telepathy training teaches to use your mind power to optimum level & to make a communication with people & energies using ancient spiritual techniques. You can send and get messages without any instrument and also can heal many people and animals…

My EXACT Training

In this training, you will learn ancient Spiritual telepathy techniques which I have learnt from different masters in India and these techniques are being used by Indian Spiritual masters for ages for telepathic purposes. More than 5000 students have learned and they are helping thousands of people around the globe.



3 reviews for Online Telepathy Training

  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    Rahul Sharma

    The best guide, mentor and beautiful soul. Stay blessed!

  2. Rated 4 out of 5

    Ankitt Singh

    I took online training from him and I found his teachings are simple yet the best. I took many online classes from other trainers but I found he is teaching intense and deep training.

  3. Rated 5 out of 5

    Ada Diba

    A friend suggested Fakira to me. Being a westerner I was suspicious at first but then I read his book and I am so impressed. I recommend his book The Alien. It’s a journey of a soul of all of us.

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