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28 Day High Vibrational Challenge

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(1 customer review)


28 Day High Vibrational Challenge


28 Days to creating a supercharged powerful law of attraction routine that will rid you of your stress and anxiety, while fueling your mindset for SUCCESS and finally achieve the results you desire. ​​​​​​​

Struggling to Make the Law of Attraction consistently work for you? Feeling like you will dissolve into an anxious puddle, worried about the state of the world?

Find out the exact Law of Attraction techniques that work like gangbusters to get you RESULTS every time!

28 Day High Vibrational Challenge: Think Big, Feel Better and Improve your MINDSET!

We’re here to help you THRIVE.

28 Day High Vibrational Challenge

(The High Vibe Challenge)

Videos and blog posts about the law of attraction are a dime a dozen these days. It’s downright overwhelming. Shouldn’t it be easy?

Using every law of attraction technique under the sun (and there are soooo many) is not only confusing to you, it’s confusing to the universe! Mixed emotions create mixed results.

Manifesting the wrong way ultimately keeps the very things you desire AWAY from you! ​​​​​​​​​​​​​

So what can you do to get the universe to listen to you and DELIVER FAST with crystal clear clarity?




What will I learn -28 Day High Vibrational Challenge? 

The methods you’ll learn during this challenge are tools you can return to any time over and over again at different points in your life. Whenever you need them, whenever you don’t, when you need a pick me up, or when you feel called to return to this place you can trust to get back into alignment with your vibrations and the Universe so you can attract easily and effortlessly and co-create a life you love.

The 28-Day High Vibrational Challenge Works

Even if you currently can’t meditate or visualize to save your life.

Even if you’ve tried other law of attraction courses and they didn’t work for you.

Even if hearing about your BFF’s success is making you want to bang your own head (or hers) against the wall.

Even if you are feeling AWFUL because of the state of the world.


28 Day High Vibrational Challenge gives you everything you need… ​​​​​​​

Online and Interactive

Participate no matter where you live!​​​​​​​

Expert Tested and Proven

Daily prompts for 28 days to help take you from doubt to joy and fulfilment​​​​​​​, even if you are currently scared for the fate of the world.

Community Support

Support from like-minded people is crucial to your success…that’s why you get exclusive access to our high vibe Facebook group. Pop in daily if you wish to ask questions, share your victories and connect with manifesting besties. ​​​​​​​


Meet Your 28 Day High Vibrational Challenge Coaches

Tom Yatar and Ania Halama are WORLD travellers who have helped thousands of people attract money, wealth, perfect health, perfect love, mental health, and spiritual wealth.

Tom is a speaker, mentor, trainer and Law of attraction coach. He is a Certified Reiki Master Level 3, EFT Certified Coach, NLP Master, Hypnotist, Certified Ho’oponopono master, Angel Card Intuitive, and Law of attraction coach.

Ania is a MillenialManifestor, Spiritual Healer and world traveller. She is a Certified Reiki Master Level 3, Certified Ho’oponopono master, Angel Card Intuitive, Human Design Specialist, and Law of attraction coach.

Tom and Ania are on track to help a staggering amount of people obtain exactly what they want and need in life.

Borrow my brain, take this crisis-proof lifeline and use my exact daily Law of Attraction formula and in 28 days you’ll be happier, wealthier, and more content than ever before even during the most nerve-wracking times.

Starting tomorrow, you’ll receive an email every morning letting you know that your new lesson is available. Every email will include an intro to the lesson, and you’ll find the full lesson in your portal.

Some lessons will be short and sweet, and others will be a little longer with video and exercises. And some lessons will build upon the previous lesson.


1 review for 28 Day High Vibrational Challenge

  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    Becky from Memphis

    My attitude is gratitude. This has changed from feeling insecure and not feeling good enough to be kind to me. This challenge has helped me so much. Thanks

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